Monday, October 27, 2014

Tacoma: History & First Modifications

As a proud owner of this new Toyota pickup, I was already eager to show it off. I created an account in a special community known as This website allowed me to interact with other Toyota Tacoma enthusiasts and discuss vehicle modifications and other topics. The community was welcoming and before I knew it, I had already built a small fan base. The pictures that you saw in my previous blog post are the same ones I posted in TacomaWorld to show off my new truck. If you recall, I had purchased this truck used from a dealership. Not long after I posted that picture, I received a private message from one of the members of the forum. Little did I know, the trucks original owner would end up finding my post in the community. What I also did not know is that he too was still a Tacoma enthusiast and we would soon become great friends.
The picture above is an original picture of my Tacoma when it was owned by a man named Austin. Austin was the original owner of the truck who sent me the message on TacomaWorld regarding my first post. He sent me this picture and we eventually exchanged phone numbers so we could meet up for lunch. We talked about our trucks and he told me stories of when he had my Tacoma. Austin now owns a newer truck of the same model and he later became the founder of what is now known as the local truck club, "Battle Born Tacomas". I'll talk more about the club in my future posts, but for now, it's back to the truck!

With the Tacoma in my possession, there were many ideas flowing through my head. Mainly, I wanted to modify my truck and make it my own. I wanted it to stand out from the rest. First thing that came to mind was cosmetics or things on the outside. This is what people see first, so I decided to black out the tail lights and install High Intensity Discharge headlights (HIDs). The black tail lights inspired me to take on the color scheme of black on white. The headlights were upgraded and brighter than standard headlights. They burn a very light, blue color called ice white. While my truck was in the shop, I also had them install a light tint on the windshield and LED bulbs into the tail lights for a different look.

The Tacoma was on its way to becoming the beast I have made it into today. Much of the later mods on the truck I installed myself. I also scout Craigslist for good deals on aftermarket parts to help me build it. The next post will discuss later modifications, how I acquired them, and ways they help enhance my Tacoma.

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